No. Any mobile number (Smart, Talk N' Text, Globe, Touch Mobile, Sun) can be registered as a Load Central retailer number. All types of SIM card are accepted.
How can I start selling the Load Central way?
You can start selling the Load Central way after your retailer account has been activated.
How can I replenish my account?
You may purchase load wallet credits directly from Load Central or from us. Please check the manual page for more info.
Can the same retailer number be registered to two or more dealers?
How will I know of new products carried by Load Central?
Thru this website, via Webtool Crawler, IM Broadcast, e-Mail from Load Central and by SMS.
How will I know about the discounts carried by Load Central?
We will give you a copy of the Retailer Discount Structure. You may also check the download page.
What happens if I forgot my FL/SL securities?
Using your registered number just type the following: RESET<SPACE>SMS send to 09285067310 for SMS (SL) RESET<SPACE>WEBTOOL send to 09285067310 for Webtool (SL) Please be informed of the schedule for resetting. Monday to Friday: 9:00AM – 6:00PM Saturday: 10:00AM – 2:00PM
What happens if my retailer SIM and/or mobile phone are lost or stolen? What happens to my remaining wallet load?
You must immediately notify us so we can deactivate or block your mobile number. You must then requestus to register another mobile number as your new retailer SIM. Send us a copy of your valid ID so we could then inform Load Central by a written notice (fax or email) and request that the remaining balance in your old registered number be transferred to your new one.
How can I get a transaction report?
You can generate your own sales transaction report thru the Load Central webtool.
What must I do for ACCESS DENIED errors on my webtool? This happens when there are several unsuccessful login attempts to your Load Central webtool account or when you have similar FL and SL securities. Make sure you have different FL and SL.Using your registered number just type the following RETOFF<SPACE>FL Security and send to any of the Load Central access numbers.