google-site-verification: googledb931faaa82a2289.html eloading business Retailer ~ Pinoymybusiness

A Load Central Retailer is the one who sells prepaid load products such as cellphone prepaid, call cards, gaming cards, internet cards, and other prepaid load. Retailing can be done through one cellphone and one SIM, or though the use of the webtool. No more need to buy expensive retailer SIM from Globe, Smart, and Sun and no more need to maintain any physical card inventory.


1. SIM card that has not been activated yet by Load Central.
2. For online retailers, internet shop owners, or for personal use only (if you will be doing transactions through your cellphone only).

Note: LoadCentral is highly recommended for personal use, internet shop owners, online store owners, and other persons who use the internet. Use this at your own risk if you plan to sell prepaid load for business using your cellphone only, since there are sometimes a few minor occasions of delays for text-based transactions. Rest assured that Load Central is still the Philippines number 1 and undisputed universal loading platform.

Fill out the registration form CLICK HERE
  • Wait for a text confirmation from Load Central within 24 hours.
  • Update your SMS (or FL) and Webtool (or SL) securities. 
  • Read the retailer manual.
  • Replenish your load wallet.
  • Start loading and enjoy earning.